








vien darling说明天又去金河。。好想看看她哦~



















嘻。。最后当然有拍到丫。。哈 =P



。。。 。。。 。。。


她回偶的信是"up to u ..miky"


这天小卜请偶吃kari lasak,没舍好味。。




朋友都说好看 =DDD

今天偶回偶家。。星期六就回pandan indah了。。



i break up v my love on last week

feel so sad
cause i stil love her so much

after tat

i 2gether v miky

she so sweet
n i stil start like her on last wednesday..

yst i gt going ruums v miky..

miz when we kiss time..xD

tat song so boring..

i go home around 2am..

i work at station 1 cafe now..

relax(sometimes) coz my frez oso worked at tat.. =DD

2day around 3.15pm...wei wei n yan li went station 1 yam cha n saw mi..

hapi so much~

after i finish work..my lao po call mi lohx~hahaxx..




i go 2 "ji cha" 2nite again..my frez sot money n tat boss say wan 2 cut his hand..we all thinked how 2 find tat money..around RM8000!!!ah ming say go 2 "lau le''..so i go bek home v kam seng n VIP..take my daddy car n motor cum out..
OMG!!!hav many problem is cuming...my dad car cant STAR..so v driver motor go 2 kuchai..kam seng fetch mi go 1st..n the sky r rain..when on the way..the motor cant star jorxx..v bring motor go 2 project tat "jia you"..finally oso cant..coz hav water go inside the motor jorxx...i n kam seng run 2 go bek ji cha..wat the fuck!!!TIGER go 2 fetch VIP bek n fetch i n kam seng go vself home again 2 bathe..when v cun bek ji cha..is 3.30am oledi..i go inside room sok again..n then ji cha hav some happened..around 5.30am..i call kam seng n ah yang faster go 2 take my daddy motor bek..v walk n run bek..on the way,my shoes cant wear oledi..so i dun hav wear shoes n walk bek home!!my leg so pain..many ppl saw we all..n then i scared hav police blog v all..feel o cool!!!at 6.30am..v go bek home jorxx..my dad juz nw wake up..scare mi..i n mummy quarrel coz akul sent many surat cum jorx..i dun care n go out again..stil go home at 6.30pm..when i bathe finish..wan 2 cut hair 1..bt tat shop didnt open..mood so bad lahxx..bt hapi coz many thing is 1st times 2 do~



29.6.2008 SUNDAY

2day i wake up early coz wan 2 go suminar at 2pm..my dad fetch mine n chun wai go 2 khang wei house 2 stand by..when i reach his out door..i saw wei wei shoes..!!so suprise lahxxx..wei wei sent msg 2 mi 2 call mi go inside room coz her in tat..i chat v her n hapi 2 saw wei wei..=D after tat,v go 2 jalan ampang by car..jia wei drive wrong road..hahaxx~v go on the platform 2 take RM500 cek..joshua take mic 2 mi..i dunoe wan 2 talk wat n my eng so bad..AISKK!!so scared lahxxx~!!!i say two sentence oni..(i call cheong ying jie,tan khang wei)ask mi hu is my liter,is khang wei lohxx..=P after finish,is 6 o'clock oledi..the sky r raining..i go home 2 eat dinner..when my mummy bek home,v quarrel..i go 2 find my frez n them live at kuchai 1..bt them all didnt hear my call n some haven bek home..haizz..i going cc myself..n thn them all call bek n ask wat happen..by the way,they all wan 2 study on tml so didnt find they..around 1am,botak cum kuchai jorxx..i go 2 find his..



2day morning i go 2 kuchai 2 find botak wong..so bother coz my purse hav little money oni..i stil wan 2 go sg wang later..AISKK!!!!when i go inside the bet place n saw ah ming oso at tat n slept in room..hahaxx^^by the way,i sit outside 2 play computer..hav one malay guy coming,botak tell mi tat malay guy win many money on yst nite n take money nw..them bos haven wake up so cant take money so call tat malay guy come bek later..formerly tat guy win RM5500..WOOOO~!!!very boring..so i go 2 buy n sok..n thn yan li call n ask mi hav going sg wang..i go home at 3pm n bathe faster..around 4pm i stil go sg wang by tekxi..tat sohai tekxi guy drive slowed,use jorxx my RM13.50..FUCK!!after i reach floor 6,saw many TB..n go 2 find yan li..v both go 2 floor 4 gerhxx food court 2 drink..v saw frez..=D we boring at that so walk to times square shop..when we on the way..have one lady stop mi n call mi collection..then i give RM1 oni..lol..i saw wei yee at tat..call his borrow me tisu..because so hot!i and yan li went floor 10 food court and chat about ghost story..== around 6.30pm,we go bek kuchai buy tekxi..when v both sit down..nose smell bad..so v both gulp until arrive kuchai..so pity~!!!n thn v go 2 cc until 8.30pm..v stil go bek vself home..i go 2 find yan li n mei foong at kk later..i so pai sei n hate coz juz hav mi wear nice oni..(wan go 2 bar celona)so bother coz no body fetch v all go..so v oni go tat by tekxi..so i n yan li go 2 ah san house 2 change cloth..yan li go bek 2 change..11.30pm..yan li call hp n say her aunt dun let her go..WAT THE FUCK!!!so despair..thn v go home jorxx...


my hp problem

tis time i always go 2 fun..n didnt go home long time jorxx..
juz nw i stil go bek slept how times oni..
coz so boring n bother!!!
last wednesday nite,i go 2 "jiu lan" gehxx steven corner yam
cha v my frez..actually i wan sok shui yan 1..bt my frez dun wan
sit outside..!!!wei wei n yan li go 2 walk pasar malam..
i going snooker tat 2gether v ah ming them..
coz i hav bring many money go so hav teat them play..
so boring at tat so call wei wei n yan li cum bek 2 play..
n then i saw joey n lai kir cum here oso..them both so beauty~
after tat,i call wei wei n yan li go 2 toilet 2 do something..
ah ming call mi sok finish tat thing..wat the fuck!!!
n thn tat day is very very geng gerhxx times..
i bluk bluk jorxx..n thn wei wei take k mi..
so pai sei..i saw zhi liang them at snooker that..
after tat,wei wei go 2 find her frez..police cum here n thn my frz bring mi go out
faster..n thn my hp lost jorxx..so sad..
n i rmb yan li hp no. so call her 2 let them noe my hp cant call n lost oledi..
wei wei call ah ming coz wan 2 noe how bout mi n say my hp thing..
bt them misunderstand..thn kam seng call wei wei cum 2 park 2 converse..
finally is ok bt wei wei angry jorxx..AISK~!!
n then v go 2 taman united(my house tat) yam cha..
ah wei cum 2 fetch v go..long time didnt saw his jorxx..him hair so long n nice jorxx...n thn ah ming n i go 2 kl centre tat gerhxx "ji cha" acompany botak wong work..v go 2 eat breakfast around 4.30am..ah ming tell mi is his take my hp go n think wan 2 go sell..bt wan take it bek 2 mi nw..i dunoe wan hapi or angry..my hp cum bek jorxx..he say my hp in kam seng tat..n kam seng noe juz nw oni..
12pm..ah ming frz cum jorxx..four gal..(==")botak n i laugh his bring gal cum
2 here..4 wat?i think mayb them wan c ah ming n ponteng..coz 2day is friday..
around 3pm,v bek kuchai lama oledi..v going ah ming house 2 bathe..n call yang yang n kam seng cum here nw..them talk at outside long time..around after 20minute,them cuming..n let mi noe my hp lost jorxx..coz scare i noe is them tale my hp so put my hp at near park tat,go 2 take it bek at moni n lost jorxx..botak say hav hit ah ming at outside..ah ming n yang yang say get them both 2 month 2 take my hp bek or get mi bek my money..i feel ntg n amazing..hahaxx..
n then v go 2 ah ming room chating..botak take my hp in his pocket..hahaxx..
actually is them joke v mi..n call mi dun wan sok many tat thing..AIYO!!!@@
after tat,v go home change cloth n go 2 sg wang..
i go 2 buy jacket n pants..tis two days use my RM300..(sad sad)
around 8pm,i go 2 take tat thing v botak n sok again..them guy go 2 play car until 11pm..boring~!n thn them say wan 2 hit ppl..i so hapi~hahaxx..finally i dun hav go coz wan 2 acompany botak go 2 work at kuchai 2nite
..bt i noe many frez jorxx~
them so funi~bt bad..XDDD
bluk bluk nw jorxxx,,
write next times lahxx~!!!